
The internet provides children and young people with a wealth of opportunities for their entertainment, communication and education. But there are also risks of harm through the deliberate behaviour of others online, and through exposure to inappropriate content. (DFE)

How to set up parental controls
How to set up the parental controls offered by your internet provider. Video tutorials for parents and carers.

The UK Safer Internet Centre has provided this resource to help you find out how to prevent age inappropriate content being accessed online on computers in your home. 

The 4 big internet providers in the UK – BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media - provide their customers with free parental controls which can be activated at any time. They have come together to produce these helpful video guides to help you to download and set up the controls offered by your provider.

Click here for information

For more resources on internet safety click here.


Everyone can play a part in keeping children safe. On this page you will find a selection of games suitable for all ages. Click on the link and find out how to keep children safe on line.

CBBC Stay Safe Topics

Have fun at the same time as you learn about Internet safety by watching the video clips on here. There are also lots of activities and games that will test your knowledge!

Be Safer Online


Log on to Childnet and find advice on how to stay safe online.

Think U Know - click here 

The “Thinkuknow” website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre. This site is good for infants and there are even notes for teachers too!


Grid Club: The cybercafé within Gridclub is a safe online community where you can make choices without getting hurt. You can join in the fun at the cybercafé by playing the game.

Newsround Quiz – Internet Security

Have a go at the quiz from CBBC Newsround and get the latest information on internet safety.

Get expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly.


Helping parents keep their children safe online (internetmatters.org)

Keep your child safe (ThinkYouKnow)

Parents and Carers (childnet)

Find out how you can keep your children safe from abuse and dangers, both online and in the physical world (NSPCC)


Online safety

The Children’s Commissioner for England and Tes have produced simplified terms and conditions for Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Snapchat and Facebook to help parents and carers support their children to manage their rights and privacy online.

 Young People's Rights on Social Media

Child Safety on YouTube

Files to Download

Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

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