Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Taylor
Mrs Bamford
Miss Connah
Welcome back to Year 1
We hoe you have all had a wonderful Christmas break! We are very much looking forward to starting the new term with you! Please ensure your child comes to school with a book bag, water bottle and waterproof coat each day.
The Year 1 Team
Mrs Bamford - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning
Miss Connagh - Wednesday afternoon
Mrs Taylor - Thursday and Friday
Mrs Sykes and Miss Jeffreys - Teaching Assistants
PE for Year 1 will take place on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure they have an indoor and outdoor PE kit available as we will be getting changed in school on these days.
Homework and Reading books
Homework and reading books will be given out on Friday and need to be returned the following Thursday.
Reading books will be changed at the end of the week. We will collect in all reading books on a Thursday and give out new books on a Friday. Please ensure your child brings their books to school every day and that you are recording any reading that they do at home in their reading diaries. If you are interested in volunteering to hear children read in school time we welcome your support!
Freddy Teddy
A special part of being in Year 1 means you get to take home Freddy Teddy! Freddy Teddy will choose whose house to visit next in our Monday celebration assemblies. He will come home with a diary for you to write down all the fun things you did together! We also love to see pictures too! If your child is chosen to have Freddy Teddy for the week, please ensure he is returned to school on the following Monday, ready to go for another weekly adventure!
Thank you,
Mrs Bamford, Mrs Taylor, Miss Connagh, Mrs Sykes and Miss Jeffreys
Files to Download
Year 1: Events items
Street Dance 3.15 -4.15pm, by Miss Dilworth
Year 1 Assembly, by Miss Dilworth
Street Dance 3.15 -4.15pm, by Miss Dilworth