Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Montgomery

Support Staff: Mrs Holgate, Mrs Monajjed, Mrs Sykes, Miss Burns

A warm welcome to Reception!

We hope you all enjoyed making special memories together during the Easter break and the children are feeling refreshed and ready to continue their learning journey.

This term, we will be exploring the questions: 'I wonder what happens next?', 'I wonder who helps us?' and 'I wonder what floats?' The children will be provided with opportunities to explore traditional tales and fairy tales including making comparisons, using a range of props and re-telling in a range of ways. They will learn about 'superheroes' including real life heroes and how people can help us. Through key texts, the children will enjoy learning about different modes of transport including boats and bikes; they will be invited to bring their bikes and scooters to school too for a 'bling your bike day'!  As the children return to school, they will be greeted by our caterpillars that are currently transforming inside their chrysalis- we can't wait to meet our butterflies! Sharing books will be at the heart of our learning as we will continue to share a new book every week and learn new vocabulary. 

In Reception however, we believe in the importance of following the children's interests and curiosities, therefore who knows where their imaginations will take us!

For further information please see our summer term skills and learning overview and our summer newsletter which can be found in 'files to download' at the bottom of this page. You will also find a virtual tour and photographs of our classoom to share with your child.


Below is some general information about Reception for 2023/24:

Keeping in touch

We encourage parents to please utilise their Tapestry log in which is our online learning journey in Reception. At the end of each week, an overview of all the exciting things we have engaged in will be uploaded on Tapestry for you to enjoy. There will also be wow moments uploaded throughout the week for individual children and we encourage parents to add their own wow moments from home which can be shared with the class. Please also follow our school twitter account: @MickleTraffSch for further updates of any wow moments.


We will continue to have our weekly formal PE session on a Thursday in the hall. The children are now expected to get changed for PE in school. Please see our class newsletters for more information.


We believe in the importance of establishing a strong relationship between home and school. When they are ready, the children in Reception will have weekly homework where they can embed their learning and apply it at home. We ask that completed Homework books are returned to school every Friday where they can be shared and a new challenge can be added, ready to take home at the end of the day. Again, when the children are ready, they will also take home a new phonics book and story book every Friday.

Celebration assembly, #Hotchocolate and Golden Table

As a whole school, a child from each class every week will be chosen to be the star of the week. Parents are invited to join this celebration on Monday afternoons at 2.30pm. If your child is chosen, you will receive a smartmessage/email through School Spider the Thursday prior to the assembly.

During this assembly we will also announce who will be eating their lunch on our golden table. Children are chosen during the week by MDAs, lunchtime coaches and teachers, for displaying excellent behaviour during lunchtimes. These children choose a friend and they both get an early lunch pass to join a member of staff on the golden table.

We also have #Hotchocolate Mondays where children are selected for demonstarting our school values to enjoy a hot chocolate with the headteacher; MrsLyon. This will also be announced and celebrated in Celebration Assembly.


Thanks for your support,

The Reception Team

'We Care, We Learn, We Belong'




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Y6 cake sale, by McNally

Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

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