At Mickle Trafford Village School, we teach Writing following the National Curriculum expectations. In order to support us in doing this, we use The Literacy Company's Pathways To Write to help map out the key areas which are required to be taught throughout each year group, ensuring coverage of the curriculum is consistent. It offers the opportunity for children to revisit prior knowledge and to learn all key aspects of the year group's objectives.
Pathways to Write emmerses the children in writing through high-quality and engaging texts that allows for each child to explore both fiction and non-fiction texts, building up skills as they progress through each topic in order to write an independent final write. Within our writing lessons, we integrate punctuation and grammar lessons to ensure that the children have been taught the skills required for each year group. As the children move through the school, children are supported to plan, write, edit and publish their work to show writing to become authors.
Although we follow the Pathways To Write, teachers plan and deliver lessons to suit to the needs of the children with a variety of different resources and active learning.
To support the children in achieving the National Curriculum aims for spellings, we use the RWI Spelling scheme from Year 2 onwards. The scheme teaches spellings patterns discreetly as well as the high frequecy common exception words that they will come arocross in each year group.