Year 5 Friday 25th November
Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 3:08pm
It's been two weeks since we last created a blog in Year 5. Unfortunately, last week, we didn't have time because we were on our fantastic school trip to Quarry Bank MIll. We learnt all about the jobs that people did in a Victorian mill, what apprentice life was like, and how machinery worked in Victorian times. We all had a brilliant day there. Please check out our photos on Twitter.
This week, we began our outdoor gardening project with most of us chipping in at getting the compost from the big pile on the yard to the plant beds. This was hard work and made us recognise the difficulties that Victorian children would have gone through! The beds are now ready for planting next week.
We also did plenty of tests this week, so we feel that we all deserve a break at the weekend (although we must make sure we still practise spellings and do our homework!).
It's been a long and busy week and hopefully the rain will start to ease soon.
Have a good weekend!