Year 3 - 16.2.24

Date: 16th Feb 2024 @ 3:44pm

Can I firstly start by saying a huge well done to all of our Year 3 pupils as they've worked incredibly hard this term.

Please encourage them at home to talk about their blue whale leaflets that we have been making over the past two weeks, they are amazing pieces of work. I will try and photocopy their work and send them home after half term so they can celebrate their achievements with you. 

More good news! We have fantastic feedback from our Roman Guides on Monday during our school trip, well done children! I hope they all came home and told you a new fact that they learnt. Please check the MTVS twitter account as I've posted some photos on there of the children. 

I hope you all have a well-earned rest and I'm already looking forward to Spring 2 as we continue our journey through Year 3. 

Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

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