Year 3 - 13.1.23
Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 4:16pm
In Science this week we looked at light and how it reflects, we all found this very interesting. We looked at, drawn and then labelled a volcano diagram, we enjoying discussing as a class how the magma turns into lava once it has left the volcano’s vent. We have now finished our addition and subtraction unit in maths, Mr Waring can happily say that everyone is an expert in this area. We have continued to add more and more facts to our whale sheets, Max has been telling us all how a blue whale’s heart is the same size as a small car. Cari was telling us that the tongue of a blue whale is the same weight as an elephant. I am sure your child can share a fact with you at home about blue whales. It was fantastic to see everyone on our first full week back at school, we are all looking forward to seeing you next week.