Year 2 Weekly Blog 4th November

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 1:40pm

This week, we have learned about Remembrance Day. We have written about what remembrance day is, why we have a 2 minutes silence and where the money goes when we buy a poppy each year. Please take a look at our Twitter page to see our beautiful work in our Creative Curriculum books. 

In Science, we explored which materials would be best suited to make different items such as a building, a pillow and a vase. We talked about how making a radiator out of chocolate would be a bad and very messy idea! 

In Literacy, we have explored our new story, 'Jack and the Baked Beanstalk' by focuing in on the front cover and describing the objects we could see. We looked at the orginal story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and had retell it.

In PE, we have started our new topics of Dance and Basketball. In Dance, we pretended we were leaves in autumn and how we would move on the branches and how we would move when we fell down to the ground. In Basketball, we practiced how to bounce and move with a basketball. 

In Maths, we have started our addition and subtraction topic. We have looked at related facts, number bonds to 10 and 20 and fact families. 

We are very much looking forward to starting our rehearsals for our Christmas production next week. Have a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday! 



Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

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