Year 2 - 19.4.24
Date: 17th Apr 2024 @ 12:47pm
We've had a lovely first week back in Year 2. The children have settled well in to our school day routine and have worked hard in all lessons.
As mathematicians we have been learning about doubling, halving and odd & even numbers.
As writers, we have been making notes, writing lists and using the conjunction that.
As historians, we have been learning about St George and the story of George and the Dragon.
As artists, we have been using oil pastels and inks to create a scenery for our camper vans.
As musicians, we have been learning how to play the glockenspiel.
This week, we have also been talking about our family members and why our family is so special to us. The children have enjoyed looking at family trees. Homework this week, and next, is to create a family tree for our classroom. The children are excited to hang these up and share them with their friends.