Year 2 - 19.1.24

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 4:01pm

This week has flown by! I think it’s because we are so busy.

As mathematicians this week we have been using 100 squares to find 10 more and 10 less; we have been adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and we have used column addition to add 2-digit numbers.

As writers this week we have been using different sentence forms. We have learnt about statements, commands, questions and exclamations. Our big piece of writing this week was about Grandad. We read a bit about him and we wrote a paragraph about what he looks like and what he likes to do, using information we remembered from the story. Grandad is very adventurous!

As historians we have been learning more about Neil Armstrong and the first moon landing. The children will continue to be historians and researchers this weekend with their homework!

Spellings will now be stuck in to reading diaries on a Friday, for ease of access. This week, for most children, there is an additional sheet to support the use of the red words listed. Please can all reading diaries be in school on a Friday for book change.


Have a great weekend everyone! See you all Monday.

Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

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