Year 2 17.11.23
Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 9:23am
The children would like you to know....
Charlotte - This week we have been learning about The Owl Who Was Afriad Of The Dark
Reuben - We have read the book Owl Babies
Hattie - We have been learning about Owls
Olivia - We were learning lots of facts about Owls & we have been creating nouns phrases (adjective, adjective noun)
Jessica - Our book is The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark & we have been describing how Plop looks & we have been learning number bonds to 20 in maths
We have also been practising our play A LOT! We are excited to show you. Please don't forget to bring back your ticket slips ready for our big day!
Spellings for next week are.....