Year 1 - 3.3.23
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:11pm
What a wonderful first week back! We hope you all had a wonderful half term - from all of the children's stories, it sounded like you all had jam-packed ones!
This week, we started our new unit in R.E all about respect. The children came up with 10 different ways we can show respect. We look forward to next week where we will explore similarities and differences between a variety of cultures.
We also looked at our new unit of computing which explores grouping data. The children enjoyed sorting objects into groups and lebelling them.
We were astounded when we saw pcitures of Mr Reed, Mrs Cox and Mr Gough with some bones and skulls around our school. We even got to touch a real skull! We then wrote questions about the skull and how it magically appeared in our school.
Have the best weekend!
Year 1 Team