Year 1 - 20th January
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 4:38pm
WOW! Another great week. We have enjoyed learning all about the numbers 11-20 and the children blew me away when showing me how many ways they could represent each number. We used tens frames, numicon, bead strings, counting blocks, part whole models, number sentences and even bar models! In our writing, we began to use a question mark and wrote questions about an animal we hadn't seen before - a Fennec Fox.
In P.E, we continued to practise our animal dance. We are excited to show it to the rest of the school in our Year 1 assembly. In gymnastics, we pratised different rolls.
In R.E, we enjoyed identifying beautiful things in the world and using an ipad to find an image to represent it.
A polite reminder: please ensure reading wallets, spelling books and bed time stories are brought to school every Friday.
Have a great weekend!
Year 1 Team