Half Term Message for Year 1

Date: 16th Feb 2024 @ 4:43pm

Thank you for all your support with making extra preparations for the Zoo and our Pebble Pot day.  Can I once again thank any adults who have supported in school this half term or on visits.  Your help is so much appreciated.


The children's behaviour, ability to ask questions and to enjoy the day with friends was wonderful to see.  We have spent the last two days following on from the visit.  We have butterfly paintings, played animal pairs, animal snakes and ladders and drawn our favourite animal on an iPad.  We can't wait for you to see our books.


During this week at home, there will be no new books, spellings or homework for  Key Stage 1 children.  If you would like to continue reading, please share bedtime books from home.  Tonight, Miss Wooldridge has popped into your child's diary their phonics group for next half term.  If your child is working within the same level, please do not worry as this is generally about supporting them with fluency and pace.  


After half term, we will be completing a unit of dance work on a Thursday morning.  Therefore your child should come to school in their usual uniform everyday.  We will use their indoor kits for both PE sessions.  Please can you ensure these kits are in school and your child has removed or covered up their earrings for the sessions.  


I hope you all have a lovely holiday, I have heard about many exciting plans from the children.  

Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

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