Friday 29th September
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 5:01pm
I want to start the blog this week by saying a big thank you to everyone who supported us in our Macmillan Coffee Morning. Whether that be bringing in cakes or attending the coffee morning, we are very grateful for your support. You helped us raise lots of money for such a great cause.
In Science, we have been looking at reflection and using the mirrors to create our own periscopes. We then looked into how periscopes are used in real like and made links to how they were used within the trenches during WW1.
In Literacy, we have been looking at the skill of writing in both past and present tense within the same piece of writing. We spent some time identifying the emotions of the different characters within our story before writing our own diary entries to share their thought and feelings of the events the characters experienced.
In Maths, we have been looking at factors and common factors, multiples and common multiples before looking at rules of divisibility.
In History, we have been looking at what caused WW2 to happen and created a small fact file on Adolf Hitler. The children have been enjoying learning about WW2 and using their artistic skills to present their work.
In PE, the children have been enjoying working on their netball skills with a focus on their ball shooting skills and looking at creating a WW2-style dance.
Enjoy your weekend!