Friday 22nd September
Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 5:53pm
This week has been another exciting one. We have been busy writing a setting description from our 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope' book. The children really got into the mood and ambience of the setting, using powerful adjectives to describe and paint a picture of the scene for the reader. We then added some more information and flair by including a speech within the scene.
In Maths this week, we have continued with our place value learning and started to look at recapping on our column addition and subtraction to 6 digits. Again, the children have risen to the task and amazed me with their knowledge.
This week, be started our first page on World War 2 in our creative humanities books. It has been lovely to see the children presenting their research and information how they wish. We can't wait to showcase these amazing books to you.
We were also joined by an artist the children worked with in Year 5. She came in to share some pictures of the work on display in Chester City Centre. The display is outside Waterstones until December with work from other schools on display around the centre. The children should be extremely proud that their work is being exhibited for the general public to view in such a busy city.
We had a wonderful Friday afternoon with our Reception buddies, sharing books together. It is wonderful to see Year 6 setting such good examples to the younger children.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!