Friday 14th October 2022
Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 2:42pm
This week in Year 1, we completed some geography fieldwork around our school. We visited different locations and discussed how we felt in that area and why. Then, we plotted our emotions at different locations onto a map of our school, using Google Earth. From this, we were able to think of ways to improve our school!
In our English lessons, the children have been using capital letters and full stops to write sentences. The children have blown us away. We love singing our 'Capital Letter and Full Stop Rock' in year 1. I'm sure your child will give you a rendition if you ask them!
In maths, we looked at the number line for the first time! We found out how useful they are! We counted forwards, backwards, found one more and one less and looked at adding numbers. We took it in turns to be the teacher, asking the class a question.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!