Friday 10th November
Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 5:13pm
What a busy few weeks we have had in Year 6. Last week, we had the exciting opportunity to spend the day at Tatton Park pretending to be World War 2 evacuee children for the day. This week, the students have written their own letter as an evacuee in their beautiful humanities books to showcase their learning from the trip and their previous knowledge of WW2.
This week, we have been busy learning about Remembrance Day talking about the importance of the day within our country, the reasons why we wear poppies and the significance of the 11th November every year. We looked at the poem 'For the Fallen' by Laurence Binyon and recreated our own poems based of his style. During our Remembrance Day assembly, some children were invited up to share their poems with the rest of the school and they should be very proud of the work they created.
Within Art, we have been focusing on the Art work of Paul Nash who was an artist who painted the scenes of destruction on a battle field. The children have been working hard to recreate his work through sketching and then developed their piece by adding a small hint of colour by adding delicate poppies on the battle field. Again, some children were invited up to share their work in our Remembrance Day assembly.
In Maths, we have been focusing on multiplication and division problems with a focus on multi-step word problems. We have then looked at using BODMAS to solve questions in the correct order.
In Science, we have been looking at electricity and started to create our own simple circuits building up to us completing an investigation into looking at how more cells affect the brightness of a bulb.
In PE, we have been looking at skills to pass in hockey and we have been working on our fitness with various circuit activities.
Year 6 are working extremely hard at the moment and we would like to take this time to share how proud we all are of their work and concentration within the school day. They are all becoming amazing students who are showing maturity in everything they do!