Blog 12th January 2024

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:52pm

This week we have started our new literacy text, 'The Lion Inside'. We worked hard to think of words to describe how Mouse feels and were introduced to the prefix un-. In maths, we started to look at the composition of 11, 12 and 13 by using resources to represent each number. Our geography lesson looked at the four countries of the U.K and their capital cities. We used atlases for the first time! For history, we spoke about how memories are from the past; we drew all of our memories from our life so far. We spotted how some of us shared the same memories but there were lots of different ones too! 


In RE we have started to think about the Creation story for Christians.  We have had some lovely outdoor sessions this week and we are all looking forward to our football session next Thursday.

Our 2D shape lessons were amazing with great information and facts.  Next week we will start looking at 3D shapes.








continue to practice: lion / mouse 



This week in class, we began our history unit by looking at life and how time passes! 

For homework, please support your child to create a timeline of their life, including the following key events:

The day I was born

  • My 1stBirthday
  • My first steps/ words
  • My first wobbly tooth (If it’s happened – a discussion point!)
  • My first day at primary school

I have provided a simple printed template to support. (This is in your child's bag) However, if you would like to display your timeline in another way, please feel free - we can explore how the passing of time can be presented in a variety of ways. In addition, please feel free to add any other key life events to their timelines with them. 

Pictures would also be fantastic – if you need any printing to support with this homework, please email them to me at [email protected] . Alternatively, your child can draw a picture to match the event! 

Mickle Trafford Village School

School Lane Mickle Trafford Cheshire CH2 4EF

T: 01244 506480 Office Contact Nicole McNally

E: [email protected]

Main Contact:
Headteacher - Mrs Wendy Lyon

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